Solar Financing - A Case Study

Going solar is a pretty big deal!  When you look into ways to reduce your electricity costs it is one of the most effective ways to cut that cost but it comes with a pretty high initial price tag. Most estimates I have seen come in close to the price of a car. In fact there is probably a correlation between the price of your last car and the price of solar for your house but that’s to discuss on another day.

There is typically a sticker shock as it’s not like your just replacing $100 worth of lightbulbs. However there is an option that makes it virtually the same cost as replacing all of your lightbulbs.  

Let’s take a real world example. Let’s call our client Molly.

First we did a free solar assessment. This no obligation assessment included factors like her yearly energy consumption based on her actual electric bills and an optimal design based on her roof and its ability to capture solar power based on its pitch, shading and overall sun exposure.

Our assessment forecasted that Molly would be able to produce 76% of her overall solar production. No we didn’t overfill her roof, we just filled it enough to optimize her production vs cost. Look at all that left over space on her roof!  We believe she can produce 9,498 kwh/Year out of her required 12,497 kwh

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Still pretty expensive to just pay off all at once.  But here’s how the financing works:

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So while Molly does have to pay off a lease instead of her electric bill all of that savings is covering the full cost of her lease. Not only is it covering her costs, she even has $119 left over! And that’s just in her first year. In the long term, 25 years, we estimate she will have an extra $32,586 in her pocket! 

So really... Molly only has to pay the permit fee of $575.

Solar can be very affordable today for almost anyone!